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Wills & Probate

Lasting Powers Of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney are appointments of trusted family or friends to make decisions in relation to financial matters or welfare matters in the event that you are unable to make such decisions.

There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney available:

Financial Decisions LPA

A Financial Decisions LPA provides legal authority for your chosen Attorney(s) to make decisions and manage your money, property (including sale of your home) and other assets and liabilities.

Health & Care Decisions LPA

 A Health & Care Decisions LPA provides legal authority for your Attorney(s) to make decisions in relation to your care, accommodation and health needs.As your Solicitor will explain the Attorney(s) must exercise their powers  in accordance with the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Code of Practice and, essentially, all decisions must be made in your best interests.


Many people fail to execute Wills meaning that on death their estate will be dealt with according to the Rules of Intestacy which are complicated. This may mean that your assets, including personal effects, may not pass to those who you would wish to benefit.

If you do not have a Will or have a homemade Will which is ineffective (which can often by the case) this can cause additional stress and worry to your loved ones at an already difficult time following your death.

You may think that there will be no issues on your death that your spouse, partner or children will inherit but a professionally prepared Will is the means of ensuring that your wishes and intentions are provided for and worries for your surviving family reduced.

A professionally drawn Will is prepared following personal meeting with you and discussion of your family and financial circumstances and advice as to  appropriate provisions in your Will to ensure that your wishes are carried out.

Notwithstanding the personal nature of the service fees for removing your worries  as to handling of your affairs post death are competitive.